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Glass Splashbacks

Experts in Printed Glass Splashbacks

Printed Glass Splashbacks

Let your imagination go wild with this product. Since the introduction of Printed Glass Splashbacks, Granart has done over a hundred of these wonderful Splashbacks.
Not only used for Splashbacks these can be used for any purpose. We have a family and wedding photo that we have at home in the printed glass. We have it set up with stand-off pins. This lets us move them if we ever move house or even re-print if we ever wanted to change the picture.

With Printed glass unless you have a high-definition picture, we always ask you to check out the images on –, all the images on this website are high resolution and allows us to blow them up to suit your area.

Quality Images

From previous experience, most of your images on your phone will just not cut it as when the image gets enlarged it will get very pixelated.
You have to bear in mind most of your kitchen splashbacks will have to be landscape images as your Splashbacks will always be longer width than height. This will allow the Graphic Designers to crop the image to the size of your glass, without losing much of the image.

Turn around Times

Please bear in mind these take longer to complete as we do have to go back and forth where the image provided is cropped to the size of the glass and then sent back to the client for final approval. Turn around times can be pushed to 3-4 weeks just due to the fact of going back and forth. We will explain the exact process when we come and see you.