Vik Shah
With a background in Accounting, Vik moved to Australia from Kenya in the year 2000. As a 17-year-old he came here with 5 friends for further studies. After completing his degree and working as an accountant for 2 years he decided that was not the career path he wanted to go with. In 2004, as a keen recreational Diver, Vik decided to become a Commercial Diver. He did that for over 10 years and also trained Commercial Divers.
After he got married to Lea and they decided to start a family, he decided to give up diving so he could be around more for the Kids and Family (as with diving most of his work was away).
This is when the opportunity came up to take over the business from Greg.
With his broad knowledge of Commercial Diving, Vik has the ability to problem solve and think outside the box. This has helped the business grow further.
He is usually the guy who is on the road and will do most of the measures, so if you have booked a meeting with us, Vik will most probably the one who knocks on your door.